Master the Art of Cooking Corn on the Cob in the Microwave: Quick and Easy Guide

Corn On The Cob In The Microwave

Place the corn on a microwave-safe plate.

To start cooking corn on the cob in the microwave, begin by placing the corn on a microwave-safe plate. This will ensure even cooking and prevent any mess or spills inside the microwave. The plate should be large enough to accommodate the corn without it touching the sides of the microwave, allowing for proper circulation of heat. Placing the corn on a plate also makes it easier to handle when removing it from the microwave after cooking.

Microwave on high for 3-5 minutes, depending on the wattage.

When cooking corn on the cob in the microwave, it's essential to consider the wattage of your microwave. For microwaves with higher wattage, around 1200 watts or more, you can cook the corn on high for about 3 minutes. However, if your microwave has lower wattage, such as 700-900 watts, you may need to cook it for 4-5 minutes to ensure it's fully cooked. Adjusting the cooking time based on your microwave's wattage will help you achieve perfectly cooked corn every time.

Turn the corn halfway through the cooking time.

Turning the corn halfway through the cooking time is a crucial step to ensure even cooking. This helps to distribute the heat more evenly, resulting in perfectly cooked corn on the cob. By rotating the corn during microwaving, you can prevent any hot spots and ensure that each kernel is cooked to perfection. Simply use oven mitts to carefully rotate the corn on the microwave-safe plate before continuing to cook for the remaining time.

Let it sit for a minute before removing it from the microwave.

After microwaving the corn on the cob, it's crucial to let it sit for a minute before removing it from the microwave. This short resting period allows the heat to distribute evenly throughout the corn, ensuring that it is thoroughly cooked. Additionally, giving it a moment to rest makes handling easier as the corn will be extremely hot right after microwaving. By patiently waiting for just a minute, you'll help guarantee that your corn on the cob is perfectly cooked and ready to enjoy.

Use oven mitts to carefully take out the hot corn.

When the microwave timer dings, it's time to carefully remove the hot corn on the cob. Remember, it will be very hot, so always use oven mitts to protect your hands from burns. The steam trapped inside can cause burns if not handled with care. Gently grasp the corn with your oven mitts and place it on a heat-safe surface before proceeding to peel back the husk and silk. Safety first when handling hot food from the microwave!

Peel back the husk and silk, and enjoy your perfectly cooked corn on the cob.

Once the corn is cooked, use oven mitts to carefully take out the hot corn from the microwave. Then, peel back the husk and silk layers. The steam created during cooking helps loosen the husk, making it easier to remove. Once peeled, you'll reveal perfectly cooked corn on the cob ready to be enjoyed. The kernels should be tender and juicy, making it a delicious and convenient way to prepare this classic summer dish in just minutes.